Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Last Week of post (1)

Final week: 1. What concept in the this class have you found most interesting? What was it about the concept hat you found interesting?

The concept I found most interesting in this class is probably considered the most simple but is not always the case “listening”. Listening is more then just hearing, which many people may get confused on a daily bases. For listening is “the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages” (p. 45). While, hearing is “a physiological process that occurs when sound waves are translated into electrical impulse and then processed by the central nervous system” (p. 45). So, as you may be able to see listening takes more effort for others then just to say, ‘you hear what someone is saying’. Also, listening involves multiple steps such as attention, interpretation, evaluation, responding and storage and retrieval. By using all of the above steps both the listener and the speaker will be able to engage in more communication and understand the verbal and non-verbal message more clear. For example, we all have witness at least once someone telling a story to an individual but we can see by the individuals non-verbal messages that they are not listening to the story. I have seen this happen and now understand that just hearing the story is not enough, but we must engage in listening to the person. So, next time someone is talking to you about something as simple as ‘their day’ be sure to listen and not just hear them. Remember listening a very important aspect of communication.

Good Luck with finals!!
