Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Last Week of post (1)

Final week: 1. What concept in the this class have you found most interesting? What was it about the concept hat you found interesting?

The concept I found most interesting in this class is probably considered the most simple but is not always the case “listening”. Listening is more then just hearing, which many people may get confused on a daily bases. For listening is “the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages” (p. 45). While, hearing is “a physiological process that occurs when sound waves are translated into electrical impulse and then processed by the central nervous system” (p. 45). So, as you may be able to see listening takes more effort for others then just to say, ‘you hear what someone is saying’. Also, listening involves multiple steps such as attention, interpretation, evaluation, responding and storage and retrieval. By using all of the above steps both the listener and the speaker will be able to engage in more communication and understand the verbal and non-verbal message more clear. For example, we all have witness at least once someone telling a story to an individual but we can see by the individuals non-verbal messages that they are not listening to the story. I have seen this happen and now understand that just hearing the story is not enough, but we must engage in listening to the person. So, next time someone is talking to you about something as simple as ‘their day’ be sure to listen and not just hear them. Remember listening a very important aspect of communication.

Good Luck with finals!!


Saturday, November 22, 2008

CH 11: Medium is the Message

CH 11: Do you agree with Marshall McLuhan that the medium is the message, i.e. that the format or logic of a medium is as important as its content and, in fact, determines what content will be broadcast through that channel? Evaluate his idea that television is a cool medium.

Yes I would agree with Marshall McLuhan “the medium is the message” because the way and style a message is transmitted may affect the way the message is received (p. 307). For example, each business has their own format for when sending out messages internal and external. There are many forms of channels to broadcast content, such as television. McLuhan mentions, why television has cool medium because “it demands that viewers fill in detail” (p. 307). With all the new technology, television is still a good way to ones message to a certain demographics looking at both format/logic and content. However, I can not help but think how important format and logic is in today’s society with all the content being thrown at us everyday.

Have a good one!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

CH 11: Cyberspace vs Face-to-Face

CH 11: Have you made friendships that exist exclusively in cyberspace? If so, how are they different from face to face relationships? If you have not formed cyber relationships, why not?

There are some people who love to talk face to face and for those you do not may use cyberspace to communicate with other individuals. I am one of those individuals who really enjoys and prefers face to face communication with friends, family, co-workers and my boyfriend. I have never built friendships from cyberspace and really do not intend to in the future. I believe face-to-face communication is more effective and helps a person grow within their relationships. For example, I know I like face to face communication because just tonight I told a friend that “ lets meet for coffee to discuss some things instead of online.” Also, I have never used a blog page before this class, if that tells how much I like face-to-face communication then computer communication. I know there are many positive and negative aspects to cyberspace but this is a new method that could help communication grow more globally by video conferencing through cyberspace for but those who like face-to-face and the internet.

Have an awesome Friday!!!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

CH 11: Interesting term

CH 11: Pick one interest concept or term and discuss it.

We live in a world that allows the media to reach us in many styles and methods. Mass media has grown with the times, allowing more people to be reached with multiple sources of mass media making information with a push of a button. I found certain characteristics of mass media interesting, such as “Interposed Channels” (p. 300). When reading over this chapter I could not help but think of how mass media reaches us today. For example, electronic media many involve equipment and financial commitment and so forth, however it is the norm to use technology to receive information from the mass media (p. 300). Just think about how internet, myspace and commercials were used in the 2009 US President elections. Mass media and the candidates used electronic media because that is the best way to reach the majority of US citizens and others in the world. However, I believe there are both positive and negatives that will come with the future methods and styles of all mass media (electronic versions). One thing for sure, the world is at our finger tips, which mass media will continue to use to their advantage.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

CH 8: Organizations and Environment

CH 8: How are organizations tied to the environment? What is the relationship between the school you attend and the city or town in which it is situated? What, if any, an ethical obligation does an organization like a college or universities have to the local community?

I believe organizations fall hand in hand with the environment they are formed, practiced and grow to be. Trenholm states, “ Organizations depend on their surroundings for resources and energy” (p. 215). An organization can do well when the economy is doing well and sometimes suffer when the economy is not doing well. For example, I come from a small town named Hollister, CA. When I was growing up this small town everyone knew everyone and what clubs everyone was involved. However, when it came to Friday nights or Saturday afternoons and our high school football team was playing mostly everyone in town would attend. The people would talk about the game the next day and you could read about in our newspaper. As you can see our schools play a big part within the community and the way the school is viewed will affect the way outsiders view out community/city.
Another example of how organizations can effect the local community can be seen right here at SJSU. I belong to a sorority that is from SJSU and the way we are viewed by the local community will affect out school and our future growth within our community. I believe that is why our sorority does so many different ways of community service to better the community we are a part of and help them understand us. Either way, organizations and the community must work together to better the growth for the area they live in for the future.

Hope you have a Great sunny weekend!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

CH8: etiquette rules for information age

CH 8: Review the etiquette rules suggested in the text. Respond to each one. Have you ever been bothered by cell phone, answering machines, or beepers? What do you feel about call waiting? Is it rude to put people on hold to take another call?

I would agree with the “Etiquette Rules for an Information Age” which are listed in out textbook. The most popular would definitely be the cell phone rule. There is nothing worst then having to hear someone else conversation or hold up a line because the user of the cell phone has no cell phone etiquette. I am a strong believe there are certain times and locations for cell phone use and then there are those times or locations where one should not answer their cell phone in a verbal or text way. For example, I work at a law firm where cell phones are not allowed to be spoke on outside of your office or outside of a conference room. The purpose of this is so other employees and clients in the common areas do not hear personal conversations or other case information. To tell you the truth I really like this rule for cell phones because if we did not have this rules attorneys would have their ear attached to the cell phone at all times.

The next rule popular rule would ring tones and screen names because more and more individuals are turning to this technology to be original. However, some people do not understand that some ring tones just do not want to be heard by others. In addition, there is nothing worst then typing in a weird or silly screen name to talk with someone. No matter what people will make up ideas about you based on your screen names, which I think a screen can tell a lot about a person.

In addition, answering machines are a helpful tool if both parties are clear with their message. The way a person leaves a message such as the words they choose, tone, length and so forth can tell the other how that person is feeling the topic. However, I can not stand it when people leave really long voice messages because when you call this person back they will say the same thing all over.

Conference calls are used some much more today because we were do business all over the world. Conference calls are an important communication tool for the growth of any business. I must saying being is a few conference calls at work really shows how important it is to use names and make sure everything you say is clear and to the point.
As for faxing, we still use this at work occasionally, but when we do send then it is necessary to send a cover sheet and make sure it is being sent to the correct number.

Lastly, timing your communication for calling, faxing, talk with others, leaving messages and so forth must be done at appropriate times. For example, when doing business over seas it is important to keep in mind the time difference when wishing to communicate with another individual.

As for call waiting I am not a big fan of it because either party will not feel important to you if you do not switch over, interrupt the conversation or even end the conversion to speak with the other person. Also, there is nothing worst then speaking with someone and the phone keeps beeping for call waiting. I really do not like putting people on hold because I find it rude. The last thing I want to hear in the middle of a conversation is “can you hold on a minute? So and so is calling” because by the time they get back on the phone we find ourselves trying remember where we were at in the conversation. Overall, there needs to be communication etiquette for the new ways of communicating in this very busy world we live in today.

Have a good one!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

CH 8: Interesting Term

CH 8: Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

Organizational communication is more important then ever in today's society with the multiple methods of communication. Just think about an organization you are involved with and the way the group communicates with members in the organization. No matter what organization you are involved in their is a gatekeeper. A gatekeeper is "someone who is in a position to pass on or discard information" according to Trenholm (p. 222). I believe a gatekeeper has a huge responsibility of weeding out the good/important information from the non-important information. For example, I work at a law firm where I answer the phone to see who is calling the attorneys and make sure they are speaking with the correct individuals for each case. I am a gatekeeper, which is a big responsibility to make sure I tell the attorneys the correct information of each caller. I tell co-workers sometimes when clients give me to much information I am not always 100% sure I am passing on all the information the attorneys would find helpful. Either way a gatekeeper must pass any information in a timely and effective manner within the organization to reach the correct person. Organizational communication will always need improvement within and without the organization because of the new styles/methods of communication that are to come in the future.

Have an awesome week!
