Thursday, November 13, 2008

CH8: etiquette rules for information age

CH 8: Review the etiquette rules suggested in the text. Respond to each one. Have you ever been bothered by cell phone, answering machines, or beepers? What do you feel about call waiting? Is it rude to put people on hold to take another call?

I would agree with the “Etiquette Rules for an Information Age” which are listed in out textbook. The most popular would definitely be the cell phone rule. There is nothing worst then having to hear someone else conversation or hold up a line because the user of the cell phone has no cell phone etiquette. I am a strong believe there are certain times and locations for cell phone use and then there are those times or locations where one should not answer their cell phone in a verbal or text way. For example, I work at a law firm where cell phones are not allowed to be spoke on outside of your office or outside of a conference room. The purpose of this is so other employees and clients in the common areas do not hear personal conversations or other case information. To tell you the truth I really like this rule for cell phones because if we did not have this rules attorneys would have their ear attached to the cell phone at all times.

The next rule popular rule would ring tones and screen names because more and more individuals are turning to this technology to be original. However, some people do not understand that some ring tones just do not want to be heard by others. In addition, there is nothing worst then typing in a weird or silly screen name to talk with someone. No matter what people will make up ideas about you based on your screen names, which I think a screen can tell a lot about a person.

In addition, answering machines are a helpful tool if both parties are clear with their message. The way a person leaves a message such as the words they choose, tone, length and so forth can tell the other how that person is feeling the topic. However, I can not stand it when people leave really long voice messages because when you call this person back they will say the same thing all over.

Conference calls are used some much more today because we were do business all over the world. Conference calls are an important communication tool for the growth of any business. I must saying being is a few conference calls at work really shows how important it is to use names and make sure everything you say is clear and to the point.
As for faxing, we still use this at work occasionally, but when we do send then it is necessary to send a cover sheet and make sure it is being sent to the correct number.

Lastly, timing your communication for calling, faxing, talk with others, leaving messages and so forth must be done at appropriate times. For example, when doing business over seas it is important to keep in mind the time difference when wishing to communicate with another individual.

As for call waiting I am not a big fan of it because either party will not feel important to you if you do not switch over, interrupt the conversation or even end the conversion to speak with the other person. Also, there is nothing worst then speaking with someone and the phone keeps beeping for call waiting. I really do not like putting people on hold because I find it rude. The last thing I want to hear in the middle of a conversation is “can you hold on a minute? So and so is calling” because by the time they get back on the phone we find ourselves trying remember where we were at in the conversation. Overall, there needs to be communication etiquette for the new ways of communicating in this very busy world we live in today.

Have a good one!



TheBloggingProf said...
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TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Blondie! Have you ever experienced someone answering a phone in the middle of a restaurant? How about a really nice, or highly rated restaurant compared to a fast food place? Are there different etiquette rules for each? What is acceptable or reasonable for situations like these? Good post!!!