Thursday, November 20, 2008

CH 11: Cyberspace vs Face-to-Face

CH 11: Have you made friendships that exist exclusively in cyberspace? If so, how are they different from face to face relationships? If you have not formed cyber relationships, why not?

There are some people who love to talk face to face and for those you do not may use cyberspace to communicate with other individuals. I am one of those individuals who really enjoys and prefers face to face communication with friends, family, co-workers and my boyfriend. I have never built friendships from cyberspace and really do not intend to in the future. I believe face-to-face communication is more effective and helps a person grow within their relationships. For example, I know I like face to face communication because just tonight I told a friend that “ lets meet for coffee to discuss some things instead of online.” Also, I have never used a blog page before this class, if that tells how much I like face-to-face communication then computer communication. I know there are many positive and negative aspects to cyberspace but this is a new method that could help communication grow more globally by video conferencing through cyberspace for but those who like face-to-face and the internet.

Have an awesome Friday!!!



Annabo said...

I totally agree! I feel like communication is most effective when it is face to face. I do agree with you that people grown more within their own relationships. I couldn't imagine my boyfriend and I trying to progress in our relationship if it was only over the internet. This class blog is new for me, too. I like it because we get to read each other's opinions but it would be interesting to see how the class would be different if it were face to face!

emadden said...

I said basically the same thing in my blog so we definitely agree! I like face to face communication a lot more myself. I was thinking about this today because I realized how much more important it is to me to see someone's face and talk about life instead of over the internet because it shows the other person cares enough about you to take time out of their day to spend with you. Sometimes talking over the internet is the easy way out...

You don't have to get dressed, put on any make-up. You can even take your time responding! Creating a deep relationship with someone requires face time in my opinion. Then again, I have never had a relationship/friendship with someone soley through the internet so I guess you "can't knock it till you try it" :)But I prefer not to!


TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Blondie! You mentioned, "I know there are many positive and negative aspects to cyberspace....". What do you think some of those positives and negatives are? And, do you think online relationships can be useful? Or can they possibly have their place? :)