Monday, September 8, 2008

CH 2: Interesting Concept from Chapter 2

Chapter 2) 1. Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

I found it very interesting when reading how we use models to gain a better understanding when it comes to the communication field. Even the simplest model can help an individual gain a better understanding of both verbal and non-verbal areas, such as cultures, how the a message is received/sent, groups, patterns and etc. A model can help the viewer or researcher answer more questions by organizing ones ideas, make more detailed questions of the communication subject and make conclusions of the topic (Trenholm 23). I believe the use of models can truly help support certain ideas of communication and encourage the viewer and researcher to truly understand all aspects of the question, method and conclusion.

I am a visual learner, so when reading how multiple well know models can help explain communication questions I realized building models is not just for science class or math class. I realized when reviewing the sample models in each area of communication showed me that we rely on models more then we think we do. For example, the Pragmatic Model which focuses on patterns displayed to me that many of our society lives off of patterns in our communication styles.

Hope your Monday went WELL!


1 comment:

sharonseitz87 said...

I am also a visual learner. Models and charts often times help me understand concepts better because it is laid out for me to see physically. In the reading it talks able the drawbacks of models. It says that "models are necessarily incomplete because they are simplified versions of very complex processes," (24). Do you think that perhaps models are too incomplete for people to ever really understand or grasp the full concept of a complex process? Or do you believe that once the basics are laid out, people can build from that are start thinking in more complex ways?