Sunday, September 14, 2008

CH 9: Interesting Concept/Terms

Ch 9: Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

Many have us have beliefs, attitudes and values that some may be similar, while others may be complete opposite. These three factors must be kept in mind when speaking to any audience. I found these terms under ‘the audience- speaker relationship’ very interesting because even though we express our beliefs, attitudes and values everyday they do not have the same meaning or affect. Trenholm (2008) writes, “An individual may have thousands of beliefs and hundreds of attitudes but only ten or twenty values” (p. 259). Trenholm continues to explain the different meaning for these terms and how values can be stronger then ones attitudes about certain topics/issues. Beliefs are more related persons opinions; attitudes are more related to how people act; values are more related to what is right and wrong (p. 259). I decided to use the ‘the audience-speaker relationship’ that expresses the terms of beliefs, attitudes and values because I believe people sometimes mixes these terms up. Also, sometimes speakers/listeners do not understand what these terms mean to the everyday person. Having a good understanding of these terms and what they mean to the audience will allow the speakers message to reach the people.

Hope your week starts off GREAT!!


1 comment:

sharonseitz87 said...

I agree with you in that people often times get beliefs, values and attitude mixed up. I think that this is because they are closely related. Your opinions (beliefs) affect what you think is write or wrong (values) and your actions (attitude) are usually based of these two things. However, just because they affect each other doesn’t mean you can use them interchangeably, they are all different things. It is valuable to understand exactly what the differences of these terms are and how they affect each other. This will help speakers understand their audience better and be able to tailor their speech to the listeners.