Wednesday, September 10, 2008

CH 2: Pragmatic Perspective (Patterns)

2. Consider the pragmatic perspective. Does it make sense to think of communication as patterned interaction? How is communication like a game? How is it different from a game?

I think it does make sense that communication is from some pattern interaction. The reason in our everyday life we communicate from patterns we have learned that work with different individuals. For example, that way you answer the phone with a friend compared to the way you answer the phone with when your mother or father are on the other line. I believe we pick up patterns in our style of communication and learn to what works and does not work well with certain individuals, such as different groups of friends.

Naturally, we are individuals who work off of systems or patterns that keep order in our everyday life. For instance, I have a friend who makes a pattern of communicating with me when she is driving home from work. Almost every time she calls she says, “just driving home from work, so I have time to talk with you. What are you up to?” And it seems every time we both get of the phone it always ends with one of us saying, “Well girlie, give me a call when you have time. Talk later.” I have never noticed what a pattern of communication I have with one of my longest friends, until reading about pragmatic perspective.

I believe communication is a game because we are always waiting to see who will make the next move. For example, should I call her or should I wait for her to call me when she has time to talk? Relationships build off of people making a move in communication both verbally and non-verbally. A great example of this could is be the bar scene. However, the only difference I can think of that communication is not a game would be that some times players do not follow the “rules/norms.” When players make bold moves or questioning moves it makes the other question the player’s actions. Our life is more then just a game, because our life is reality.

Have an excellent Week!


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