Tuesday, September 16, 2008

CH 9: Well-known speaker

CH 9: Consider a well-known speaker, for example, the current President of the U.S. (or Presidential candidate). What this speaker’s strongest characteristics as a speaker? Is it credibility, attractiveness, power, or all three? In what ways could the speaker build ethos in these areas?

This year’s presidential election will make history, with either party winning. However, I feel this years Presidential candidates have really made the American people interested in what each party is saying to the public. I have never seen so many individuals on our campus so involved with candidates and their speeches. Nevertheless, it is great to see so many young voters listening to the candidates and what each side has to say. I may be Republican, but I really enjoy listening to Obama and how he delivery’s speeches. He has gained the ears of so many Americans, both young and old through his passionate, well-worded, and entertaining speeches.

He has the attractiveness by his personal appearance, familiarity and his humor/respect in the public eye. I believe knowledge is power and in his speeches or just in an interview he always presents quotes from someone famous or even someone he has learned from that shows his true personal characteristics, which our textbook refers to as expert power and referent power. Obama does use ethos to gain audience attention, which is a great ability to have when speaking to large groups. Obama is a very well spoken Presidential candidate, with that said I would not have him change anything from his personal style of giving speeches because his style is what got so many young individuals interested in this years elections.

Have a Wonderful Week!



zamoradesign said...

I agree with you that Obama's strongest characteristics are his attractiveness, and his power to persuade. I believe that the American voter is ready for a change that will be more than just a new president. Changing the color of and the syntax of the name of the president of the United States will do amazing things to the perceptions of the people of this country. The civil rights movement will finally be realized when a man or woman of color will be elected to be the leader of this nation. Our nation needed a man of his dual ethnicity, intellect, charisma, and youth, to be considered for this high office. His communication skills will be his strongest suit and will need to be at its pinnacle come time for the debates.

daronstory said...

I wonder what the impact of his message would be if, for example, we were back in time about 100 years. Roosevelt was a great example of the lack of media influence at the turn of the 20th century. His affliction with polio, left him in wheelchairs. I wonder if Barack Obama's name was William Smith, and he was not a black male, where would the american public place their vote. The entire idea, is to have the best person in place for the position, however, I doubt we have/ever will achieve such matters. We may say that a voter is looking at what each canditate individually is saying, however the agreement with what is being said, can easily be attributed to skin color. It would be interesting to perform a study regarding agreement wiith voters for seen political members, and non-seen political members to determine support for this theory.

emadden said...

Obama definitely does have a lot of charm and an incredible force of persuasion. I am always impressed by his speeches not just because of the things he says, but they way he says them. I find him to be very genuine and trustworthy. Blondie, I think it is so interesting that you are a Republican and can appreciate Obama and his values that come across in his speeches. I have not met many Republicans that can see both sides.
I agree that his communication skills are amazing- let's just hope he can keep all of the promises he is making!
