Saturday, October 4, 2008

CH 3-4: Gender

CH 3-4: Do you agree that men and women is language differently? In what areas?

Yes, I believe men and women use language differently most of the time. Men and women can agree on language, but most of time it seems like we are from two different worlds. Trenholm mentions, how language uses signs and symbols to express our thoughts in our minds (p. 72). With that said, many of us have experienced moments when either a man or woman just could not understand where that person is coming from at that time. For example, I have been studying communications, which has helped me better communicate with my boyfriend. When something is bugging me, he is so quick to give me solutions to the problem, when really I have thought of those solutions, but honest just want to talk about it. However, I must say he can read my non-verbal expression very well and sometimes can see when giving me a solution to an issue may not be the right time. From my personal example you can see women and men may not always understand each other in a verbal or non-verbal way, but there are times when both genders can understand what the other is saying by what is said or not said.
However, it is funny sometimes to hear how genders may tell a story or describe a word differently because each gender decides what is important and what information to leave out. For example, “Women language” have you ever heard a woman and a man describe the word birth? Well, many times you will hear a woman describe birth as painful and difficult, but if you ask a man he may say loud or amazing. The reason why this action of birth can have such different views from each gender is because a woman experiences it first hand with her body and a man experiences it from standing and watching. Many of the words we use many have a similar meaning but may be described differently depending on what the individual experienced through his or her life.


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