Wednesday, October 8, 2008

CH 5: Nonverbal Messages within other cutlures

CH 5: Although nonverbal messages are more universal than verbal messages, nonverbals do not always carry the same meanings in other cultures. Can you give an example of a nonverbal display that take on different meanings in other countries?

It is true many nonverbal messages can be understood by other cultures, however not all nonverbal messages mean the same thing. For example, when I majored in Business we took a class of ethics within business. During this class we studied how to communicate and interact with major business countries. One area we really focused on where international locations where huge amounts of business is involved. Take Japan or China where the communication of business is always in the air. With that said, it is important as Americans to communicate not only verbally but non-verbally as well. When giving a presentation to a group of business individuals it is important to not make eye contact and to address those individuals who hold higher positions and that are older in age. These two forms of nonverbal communication will show the correct respect and understanding of their style of business. It is the opposite here in the US where if we are not making eye-contact we are showing no respect to the speaker. Also, even wearing the color red is a sign of power and rank within the culture. In the US red has the same nonverbal message of power for example; look at our president who normally is wearing a red tie. Nonverbal communication is all around but if you are visiting another country it is in your best interest to learn some of the customs of nonverbal messages for that area.

Have an Awesome Week!!!


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