Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Last Week of post (1)

Final week: 1. What concept in the this class have you found most interesting? What was it about the concept hat you found interesting?

The concept I found most interesting in this class is probably considered the most simple but is not always the case “listening”. Listening is more then just hearing, which many people may get confused on a daily bases. For listening is “the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages” (p. 45). While, hearing is “a physiological process that occurs when sound waves are translated into electrical impulse and then processed by the central nervous system” (p. 45). So, as you may be able to see listening takes more effort for others then just to say, ‘you hear what someone is saying’. Also, listening involves multiple steps such as attention, interpretation, evaluation, responding and storage and retrieval. By using all of the above steps both the listener and the speaker will be able to engage in more communication and understand the verbal and non-verbal message more clear. For example, we all have witness at least once someone telling a story to an individual but we can see by the individuals non-verbal messages that they are not listening to the story. I have seen this happen and now understand that just hearing the story is not enough, but we must engage in listening to the person. So, next time someone is talking to you about something as simple as ‘their day’ be sure to listen and not just hear them. Remember listening a very important aspect of communication.

Good Luck with finals!!


Saturday, November 22, 2008

CH 11: Medium is the Message

CH 11: Do you agree with Marshall McLuhan that the medium is the message, i.e. that the format or logic of a medium is as important as its content and, in fact, determines what content will be broadcast through that channel? Evaluate his idea that television is a cool medium.

Yes I would agree with Marshall McLuhan “the medium is the message” because the way and style a message is transmitted may affect the way the message is received (p. 307). For example, each business has their own format for when sending out messages internal and external. There are many forms of channels to broadcast content, such as television. McLuhan mentions, why television has cool medium because “it demands that viewers fill in detail” (p. 307). With all the new technology, television is still a good way to ones message to a certain demographics looking at both format/logic and content. However, I can not help but think how important format and logic is in today’s society with all the content being thrown at us everyday.

Have a good one!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

CH 11: Cyberspace vs Face-to-Face

CH 11: Have you made friendships that exist exclusively in cyberspace? If so, how are they different from face to face relationships? If you have not formed cyber relationships, why not?

There are some people who love to talk face to face and for those you do not may use cyberspace to communicate with other individuals. I am one of those individuals who really enjoys and prefers face to face communication with friends, family, co-workers and my boyfriend. I have never built friendships from cyberspace and really do not intend to in the future. I believe face-to-face communication is more effective and helps a person grow within their relationships. For example, I know I like face to face communication because just tonight I told a friend that “ lets meet for coffee to discuss some things instead of online.” Also, I have never used a blog page before this class, if that tells how much I like face-to-face communication then computer communication. I know there are many positive and negative aspects to cyberspace but this is a new method that could help communication grow more globally by video conferencing through cyberspace for but those who like face-to-face and the internet.

Have an awesome Friday!!!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

CH 11: Interesting term

CH 11: Pick one interest concept or term and discuss it.

We live in a world that allows the media to reach us in many styles and methods. Mass media has grown with the times, allowing more people to be reached with multiple sources of mass media making information with a push of a button. I found certain characteristics of mass media interesting, such as “Interposed Channels” (p. 300). When reading over this chapter I could not help but think of how mass media reaches us today. For example, electronic media many involve equipment and financial commitment and so forth, however it is the norm to use technology to receive information from the mass media (p. 300). Just think about how internet, myspace and commercials were used in the 2009 US President elections. Mass media and the candidates used electronic media because that is the best way to reach the majority of US citizens and others in the world. However, I believe there are both positive and negatives that will come with the future methods and styles of all mass media (electronic versions). One thing for sure, the world is at our finger tips, which mass media will continue to use to their advantage.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

CH 8: Organizations and Environment

CH 8: How are organizations tied to the environment? What is the relationship between the school you attend and the city or town in which it is situated? What, if any, an ethical obligation does an organization like a college or universities have to the local community?

I believe organizations fall hand in hand with the environment they are formed, practiced and grow to be. Trenholm states, “ Organizations depend on their surroundings for resources and energy” (p. 215). An organization can do well when the economy is doing well and sometimes suffer when the economy is not doing well. For example, I come from a small town named Hollister, CA. When I was growing up this small town everyone knew everyone and what clubs everyone was involved. However, when it came to Friday nights or Saturday afternoons and our high school football team was playing mostly everyone in town would attend. The people would talk about the game the next day and you could read about in our newspaper. As you can see our schools play a big part within the community and the way the school is viewed will affect the way outsiders view out community/city.
Another example of how organizations can effect the local community can be seen right here at SJSU. I belong to a sorority that is from SJSU and the way we are viewed by the local community will affect out school and our future growth within our community. I believe that is why our sorority does so many different ways of community service to better the community we are a part of and help them understand us. Either way, organizations and the community must work together to better the growth for the area they live in for the future.

Hope you have a Great sunny weekend!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

CH8: etiquette rules for information age

CH 8: Review the etiquette rules suggested in the text. Respond to each one. Have you ever been bothered by cell phone, answering machines, or beepers? What do you feel about call waiting? Is it rude to put people on hold to take another call?

I would agree with the “Etiquette Rules for an Information Age” which are listed in out textbook. The most popular would definitely be the cell phone rule. There is nothing worst then having to hear someone else conversation or hold up a line because the user of the cell phone has no cell phone etiquette. I am a strong believe there are certain times and locations for cell phone use and then there are those times or locations where one should not answer their cell phone in a verbal or text way. For example, I work at a law firm where cell phones are not allowed to be spoke on outside of your office or outside of a conference room. The purpose of this is so other employees and clients in the common areas do not hear personal conversations or other case information. To tell you the truth I really like this rule for cell phones because if we did not have this rules attorneys would have their ear attached to the cell phone at all times.

The next rule popular rule would ring tones and screen names because more and more individuals are turning to this technology to be original. However, some people do not understand that some ring tones just do not want to be heard by others. In addition, there is nothing worst then typing in a weird or silly screen name to talk with someone. No matter what people will make up ideas about you based on your screen names, which I think a screen can tell a lot about a person.

In addition, answering machines are a helpful tool if both parties are clear with their message. The way a person leaves a message such as the words they choose, tone, length and so forth can tell the other how that person is feeling the topic. However, I can not stand it when people leave really long voice messages because when you call this person back they will say the same thing all over.

Conference calls are used some much more today because we were do business all over the world. Conference calls are an important communication tool for the growth of any business. I must saying being is a few conference calls at work really shows how important it is to use names and make sure everything you say is clear and to the point.
As for faxing, we still use this at work occasionally, but when we do send then it is necessary to send a cover sheet and make sure it is being sent to the correct number.

Lastly, timing your communication for calling, faxing, talk with others, leaving messages and so forth must be done at appropriate times. For example, when doing business over seas it is important to keep in mind the time difference when wishing to communicate with another individual.

As for call waiting I am not a big fan of it because either party will not feel important to you if you do not switch over, interrupt the conversation or even end the conversion to speak with the other person. Also, there is nothing worst then speaking with someone and the phone keeps beeping for call waiting. I really do not like putting people on hold because I find it rude. The last thing I want to hear in the middle of a conversation is “can you hold on a minute? So and so is calling” because by the time they get back on the phone we find ourselves trying remember where we were at in the conversation. Overall, there needs to be communication etiquette for the new ways of communicating in this very busy world we live in today.

Have a good one!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

CH 8: Interesting Term

CH 8: Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

Organizational communication is more important then ever in today's society with the multiple methods of communication. Just think about an organization you are involved with and the way the group communicates with members in the organization. No matter what organization you are involved in their is a gatekeeper. A gatekeeper is "someone who is in a position to pass on or discard information" according to Trenholm (p. 222). I believe a gatekeeper has a huge responsibility of weeding out the good/important information from the non-important information. For example, I work at a law firm where I answer the phone to see who is calling the attorneys and make sure they are speaking with the correct individuals for each case. I am a gatekeeper, which is a big responsibility to make sure I tell the attorneys the correct information of each caller. I tell co-workers sometimes when clients give me to much information I am not always 100% sure I am passing on all the information the attorneys would find helpful. Either way a gatekeeper must pass any information in a timely and effective manner within the organization to reach the correct person. Organizational communication will always need improvement within and without the organization because of the new styles/methods of communication that are to come in the future.

Have an awesome week!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

CH 6: Patterns

CH6: Which pattern (rigid complementarity, competitive symmetry, or submissive symmetry) do you think would be most difficult to change? Why? Which would be the most damaging to a relationship? Which would be the most potentially damaging to the self-esteem of the individuals involved?

I believe every relationship starts to have patterns, over time. With that said, rigid complementarity, competitive symmetry and submissive symmetry would be difficult to change within a relationship once those patterns have began. However, I would think rigid complementarity is a little more difficult to change from my personal experiences within my own relationship with my boyfriend. On a light note of rigid complementarity I have experienced this with my boyfriend when it comes to going out. The reason is most of the time I am the one who plans what we are going to for the night, such as where, when, with who and what to wear. At first I did not mind this but now after reading this chapter I realize it is difficult to change this pattern even though we both have discussed this every so often. I do get tried of being in charge of what we are going to do and make sure i plan accordingly the factors in our life at that moment. After gaining a better understanding of the possible patterns we can fall into when in a relationship I will be able to better my relationship with my boyfriend for the future.

On another note, I believe complementary pattern would be most damaging in a romantic relationship. I am sure you would agree, there needs to be a balance between partners. If a partner takes the submissive part to often then the relationship would not be balanced and not be healthy for both partners. I would also say this term would be most damaging ones self-esteem in the relationship. If both parties don not have positive growth in the relationship then self-esteem will not grow in a positive direction as well.

Hope you enjoyed the rain this weekend! :)


Thursday, November 6, 2008

CH 6: Filters

CH 6: Think about the filters you use to eliminate people from consideration as potential romantic partners. What characteristics or behaviors lead you to judge others as unattractive? Does Duck’s theory make sense to you? Have you ever eliminated someone by using sociological or pre-interaction cue only to reconsider them based on interaction and cognitive cue?

I believe everyone who is human uses filters when meeting anyone, especially when considering an individual as a potential romantic partner. I know when we meet someone and start to date that individual our friends also use filters when they meet their friend’s new boyfriend/girlfriend. With that said, I have used all the filters our textbook discusses in chapter six; everywhere from sociological to interaction cues. It’s funny because when I was showing my boyfriend this part of the chapter, he mentioned how I did use all these filter either through questions or looks about where our relationship may lead. After reading the chapter and speaking with my boyfriend I realized Duck’s theory makes sense because no matter what we as humans will use many filters in beginning of a relationship. I know I am somewhat of a judgmental person (I am working on changing this), however there are behaviors or characteristics that make people unattractive to me, for example, no eye contact, bad words, do not look clean or match their outfits, no future goals, hang with the wrong group of people and so forth. However, even with all the filters, I have for a romantic partner because filters can help a person realize what they are looking for in another person. Maybe that is where the saying ‘my better half’ came from? Lastly, no I have never eliminated potential romantic partner by using sociological or pre-interaction cue only to reconsider them based on interaction because I did not really date my first four years of college, which may have been because of my many filters.

Have an awesome weekend!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

CH 6: Interesting Term

CH 6: Write about an interesting term you found from the reading.

The term I found interesting was looking-glass self (p. 144). This term seems so simple, but made me think of the way I view myself when I communicate both verbally and non-verbally. We live in such a fast pace world, where if you did not have the correct image it is difficult to be heard in certain groups. However, looking-glass self reminds us that we must understand who we are as a person. We gain a good understanding of who we are based on who we wish to hang-out with, have relationships with, organizational involvement or even our future goals. Looking-glass self helps individuals see how others view them by looking their surroundings, i.e. people. We can use others as a mirror to see how we are viewed (p. 144). I found it amazing that all the talk about “you are who you are by the company you keep” could be found in a textbook. However, I would agree with this statement because we all experience looking-glass self within our lives and others we communicate with regularly. I believe we need to take more time to use the looking-glass self idea to grow as a person and a communicator.

Hope your week goes GREAT!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

CH 12: Rationality, Perfectibilty and Mutability

Do you believe in the rationality, perfectibility, and mutability premises? What social institutions and practices are based on these beliefs?

After reading the text I agree with rationality, perfectibility, and mutability premises to a point, but again we must remember not all humans have similar beliefs/practices. First, rationality premise descibes how humans are able to find the truth and logic, for example trail and jury (p. 353). With that said, I believe many humans have the ability to find truth by sometimes using logical and sometimes just look deep into their own soul. However, not all humans can see or understand the truth which makes it more difficult to see if all individuals believe in the same thing. Next, perfectibility premise is described as humans are born with sin but can over came sin to promote good through their life style, for example a person in jail (p. 353). I believe many people have the strength to be a good and caring person, but not all humans wish to be a good citizen. I can not help but think of those murderers who will never be sorry for taking the life of an innocent person. Lastly, Mutability premise shows the understanding that humans behave based on how their environment factors shapes them as individuals and groups, for example traditions within our friends and family (p. 353). I would agree many humans are shaped either in a positive or negative factor based on their surroundings. Its funny when I read this term I thought of what my parents use to say, "you are judged by your surrounds , ie who you chose to hang out with." This statement by my parents shows that the environment including tangible and non-tangible items will effect a persons physical and psychological areas. All three of these terms can help a person realize the truth about themselves if they take the time to see where they stand in there own soul and environment.

Have a great week!!!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

CH 12: Ruth Benedict's thoughts on culture

Do you agree with anthropologist Ruth Benedict that we are "creatures of our culture" and that our habits, beliefs, and impossibilities are shaped by our culture? If so, can we break through the limits of our cultures?

I would agree with Ruth Benedict's statement because culture is what helps shape us as humans within certain communities. We learn certain habits, beliefs and impossibilities by viewing what is closes to us when we are developing throughout our childhood, teen-years, and early adulthood. However, there are always those individuals who follow certain beliefs or habits but at the same time adapt to new ways of living outside of ones own culture. Nonetheless, people first want to have a sense of belong, which they learn from their own culture and then build confidence or need to learn about other cultures. I believe it is the learning of other cultures that allows us to move towards a more peaceful and understand civilization. According to the text, cultural is what humans make of the environment around them, so cultural can be both tangible and non-tangible styles, methods, etc (p. 343).

Have an awesome week!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

CH 12: Interesting concept

CH 12: One concept or term I found interesting.

It is amazing to think of how many different cultures one individual can be from in a lifetime. For example, you can find many families who celebrate multiple holidays based everywhere from religion, age to nationality. With that said, I found the concept of 'overlapping cultural identities' very interesting mostly focusing on today's generation located in the US. For example, I have a friend who celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah because both parents are from different religious backgrounds. Trenholm expresses, how some of the culture overlapping can benefit an individual or completely clash with ones many cultural aspects (p. 347). Sadly, many individuals do not even understand what cultural identity helps make them who they are today. Nevertheless, the text shows how overlapping cultural identities is more common then many of us would believe.

Hope you had a great weekend!


Friday, October 10, 2008

CH 5: Nonverbal messages

CH 5: Have you ever been wrong about the meaning of someone’s nonverbal message? Describe what happened. How can people increase the accuracy with which they interpret nonverbal message?

Nonverbal and verbal communication can be ambiguous, which many of us experience everyday. For example, a few weeks ago I went out with my friends for dinner and was extremely tired but could not flake on girl’s night out. However, half way through the dinner one of my friends said out loud, “what is wrong with you?” There was nothing wrong with me but they noticed I was not all smiles and did not make as much eye contact as I normally do. I notice that even without me saying anything mean I looked upset with my friends. My nonverbal communication was saying I am upset, but verbally I had to address I was just tired. It was funny how quick my friends were to judge me for being upset just by nonverbal messages at the dinner table.
We can increase our accuracy of nonverbal communication by understanding that sometimes our nonverbal communication is talking louder then own words. Also, we has humans must remember that individuals do not always mean send off messages, which shows we must understand if the sender means to send the message or not. After taking many communication classes I found that being more knowledgeable and aware about how to view nonverbal and verbal communication between a sender and receiver could make each message clearer.

Have a fun weekend!!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

CH 5: Nonverbal Messages within other cutlures

CH 5: Although nonverbal messages are more universal than verbal messages, nonverbals do not always carry the same meanings in other cultures. Can you give an example of a nonverbal display that take on different meanings in other countries?

It is true many nonverbal messages can be understood by other cultures, however not all nonverbal messages mean the same thing. For example, when I majored in Business we took a class of ethics within business. During this class we studied how to communicate and interact with major business countries. One area we really focused on where international locations where huge amounts of business is involved. Take Japan or China where the communication of business is always in the air. With that said, it is important as Americans to communicate not only verbally but non-verbally as well. When giving a presentation to a group of business individuals it is important to not make eye contact and to address those individuals who hold higher positions and that are older in age. These two forms of nonverbal communication will show the correct respect and understanding of their style of business. It is the opposite here in the US where if we are not making eye-contact we are showing no respect to the speaker. Also, even wearing the color red is a sign of power and rank within the culture. In the US red has the same nonverbal message of power for example; look at our president who normally is wearing a red tie. Nonverbal communication is all around but if you are visiting another country it is in your best interest to learn some of the customs of nonverbal messages for that area.

Have an Awesome Week!!!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

CH 5: One Concept I Found Interesting

CH 5: Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

This weeks reading on non-verbal communication was very interesting. I feel as though sometimes our actions and expression speak louder then words. With that said, I find the concept of ‘the kinesic code II: facial expressions and eye behavior’ very interesting when reviewing the positive and negative effects these non-verbal codes can have on a listener. For example, have you ever viewed a speaker that had no non-verbal expressions? If so, you may have thought the speaker was boring or not interesting. However, if the speaker used facial expression and eye contact the audience would feel more engaged in the speech. Eye contact and facial expressions are very important factors that help the speaker seem as though they are well prepared and confident in their message.
On another note, I found it incredible how Trenholm writes, that even blind children can develop similar facial expressions and some facial expressions can be understood around the world (p. 118). It is amazing that facial expressions and eye contact can such powerful impact between every human.

Have a Great Week!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

CH 3-4: Gender

CH 3-4: Do you agree that men and women is language differently? In what areas?

Yes, I believe men and women use language differently most of the time. Men and women can agree on language, but most of time it seems like we are from two different worlds. Trenholm mentions, how language uses signs and symbols to express our thoughts in our minds (p. 72). With that said, many of us have experienced moments when either a man or woman just could not understand where that person is coming from at that time. For example, I have been studying communications, which has helped me better communicate with my boyfriend. When something is bugging me, he is so quick to give me solutions to the problem, when really I have thought of those solutions, but honest just want to talk about it. However, I must say he can read my non-verbal expression very well and sometimes can see when giving me a solution to an issue may not be the right time. From my personal example you can see women and men may not always understand each other in a verbal or non-verbal way, but there are times when both genders can understand what the other is saying by what is said or not said.
However, it is funny sometimes to hear how genders may tell a story or describe a word differently because each gender decides what is important and what information to leave out. For example, “Women language” have you ever heard a woman and a man describe the word birth? Well, many times you will hear a woman describe birth as painful and difficult, but if you ask a man he may say loud or amazing. The reason why this action of birth can have such different views from each gender is because a woman experiences it first hand with her body and a man experiences it from standing and watching. Many of the words we use many have a similar meaning but may be described differently depending on what the individual experienced through his or her life.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

CH 3-4: Judging and Categorizing Others

CH 3-4: Is it possible to perceive others without in some way judging or categorizing them? If so, how? If not, how can we make the judgments we do make more fair?

I believe we make judgments on individuals everyday. We view others by both verbal and non-verbal symbols. For example, sometimes when I am driving I look at other people in theirs vehicles and try to guess what their life’s are like by what they drive, what they look like, their attitude behind the wheel, if their going home or out, etc. Most humans prefer to categorize people into groups to understand where everyone and everything fits in our society. And when something does not fit the culture pattern we look at that individual or object closer because it stands out. We may judge people and categorize them to gain a better understanding of what is similar and what is un-similar about the individual or object. There are some incidents when we do not even categorize the individual or object but we hear the opinion from other and make that opinion our own. Judging and categorizing may have its benefits, but this does not mean that every person or object will fit exactly into one category, but multiple categories at different times.

Have a blast this weekend!


Sunday, September 28, 2008

CH 3-4: One Concept I Found Interesting

Ch: 3 Pick one concept from the assigned readings that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

When we hear the word ‘listening’ many of us do not understand how many factors there are to fulfill the action of listening. With that said, I chose to pick the concept listening because I found it very interesting how this word and action is not fully used in everyday society. Many individuals believe they are good communicators, but with being a good communicator involve the action of listening. Our text book address four factors to being a good listener, they are “attending to the sensory stimuli that make up a message, making those stimuli meaningful by using our own experiences to interpret them, critically evaluating our interpretations, responding to the message, storing the message for future use” (Trenholm 45). Overall, it is clear we need to be active listeners to be clear communicators.

Also we must remember that listening is different then just hearing an individual’s message. For instance, hearing is more of a science relationship to being able to translate information to the brain, while listening is creating meaning to better understand the messages. Listening will always be a major factor in the growth of our society even with the new styles of communicating through electronics. We need to listen to be able to grow within our economy, friendship, family, school and etc.

Have a Fantastic Week!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

CH 9: Influenced by a Speaker

CH 9: Have you ever been influenced by a speaker? Think of the best speaker you’ve ever heard? What was it about that speaker that made his or her communication memorable? Think of the worst speaker you’ve heard. What do you remember about his or her message?

Many of us are inspired, motivated and encouraged by speakers we hear throughout our lifetime. However, I believe there is only a true handful of speakers who can influence an individual that will stay in that individuals mind for years. One of the speakers who influenced me that I still remember is Julie Johnson, Kappa Delta National President when I was an active member of Kappa Delta Sorority (2002-2006). We were celebrating our 50th anniversary at San Jose State University and our National President was planned to make a speech to active members, alumnus, parents and friends at our evening dinner. Mrs. Johnson was full of knowledge and was able to gain the attention of all the different individuals in the room. Her speech encouraged many individuals to become involved in organizations they love and enjoyed. Julie mentioned the history of Kappa Delta and the devoted members who made a change because they believed in the organization. She did not just talk about the sorority, but other interests in organizations that helped her grow and continue to grow at her age. I remember her saying something along the line of ‘if you enjoy school, stay in school and earn your masters, if you like volunteering start a community service event at your work, if you love your field of work then show younger individuals your passion, etc.’ She encouraged all the people not to just live life, but enjoy life to the fullest. I believe her visit and the discussion of her speech with others gave me the confidences to stay in school to earn my masters in a subject I really enjoy studying.

On the other hand, I have heard my fair share of bad speakers. For example, in my economics class a few years ago we had to attend a speaker to earn credit for the class. I believe earning this credit for the class was extremely difficult because he was horrible speaker. Yes, he was full of knowledge of the topic, but I did not hear a word because his delivery was awful. His voice never changed, did not know his audience, no movements, no humor, no interesting introduction and no passion behind his words. Lets just say the time stood still for those two-hours and I still remember this awful speaker and not an idea of what his message was about.

Have a Blast this weekend!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

CH 9: Well-known speaker

CH 9: Consider a well-known speaker, for example, the current President of the U.S. (or Presidential candidate). What this speaker’s strongest characteristics as a speaker? Is it credibility, attractiveness, power, or all three? In what ways could the speaker build ethos in these areas?

This year’s presidential election will make history, with either party winning. However, I feel this years Presidential candidates have really made the American people interested in what each party is saying to the public. I have never seen so many individuals on our campus so involved with candidates and their speeches. Nevertheless, it is great to see so many young voters listening to the candidates and what each side has to say. I may be Republican, but I really enjoy listening to Obama and how he delivery’s speeches. He has gained the ears of so many Americans, both young and old through his passionate, well-worded, and entertaining speeches.

He has the attractiveness by his personal appearance, familiarity and his humor/respect in the public eye. I believe knowledge is power and in his speeches or just in an interview he always presents quotes from someone famous or even someone he has learned from that shows his true personal characteristics, which our textbook refers to as expert power and referent power. Obama does use ethos to gain audience attention, which is a great ability to have when speaking to large groups. Obama is a very well spoken Presidential candidate, with that said I would not have him change anything from his personal style of giving speeches because his style is what got so many young individuals interested in this years elections.

Have a Wonderful Week!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

CH 9: Interesting Concept/Terms

Ch 9: Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

Many have us have beliefs, attitudes and values that some may be similar, while others may be complete opposite. These three factors must be kept in mind when speaking to any audience. I found these terms under ‘the audience- speaker relationship’ very interesting because even though we express our beliefs, attitudes and values everyday they do not have the same meaning or affect. Trenholm (2008) writes, “An individual may have thousands of beliefs and hundreds of attitudes but only ten or twenty values” (p. 259). Trenholm continues to explain the different meaning for these terms and how values can be stronger then ones attitudes about certain topics/issues. Beliefs are more related persons opinions; attitudes are more related to how people act; values are more related to what is right and wrong (p. 259). I decided to use the ‘the audience-speaker relationship’ that expresses the terms of beliefs, attitudes and values because I believe people sometimes mixes these terms up. Also, sometimes speakers/listeners do not understand what these terms mean to the everyday person. Having a good understanding of these terms and what they mean to the audience will allow the speakers message to reach the people.

Hope your week starts off GREAT!!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

CH 2: Social Constructionist Perspective

3. Consider the social constructionist perspective. How do we “build worlds” through communication? Think of some ideas we talk about in our culture that may not exist in other cultures. How do these concepts contribute to our happiness or success (of the lack of these) in our culture?

Communication is the key to building a world and the many different cultures in our world. We have the ability to build worlds by expressing the importance of each other’s cultures and the positive and negative effects we make as one world. Communication both verbal and nonverbal has allowed us to see our past and look towards our future. For example, the growth of women holding high management position in larger corporate companies. The US is one area of the world that has seen this social change and have adapted well to the change of the many years. Our culture now in the US sees women as having a choice to be stay-home mother/women or be working mother/women. I believe this growth has allowed our world to grow in a positive direction, which includes women to have more of a corporate role in our country. Having a choice in any culture may encourage more open communication within that culture and a possible better understand of multiple cultures.

Hope you had an awesome weekend!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

CH 2: Pragmatic Perspective (Patterns)

2. Consider the pragmatic perspective. Does it make sense to think of communication as patterned interaction? How is communication like a game? How is it different from a game?

I think it does make sense that communication is from some pattern interaction. The reason in our everyday life we communicate from patterns we have learned that work with different individuals. For example, that way you answer the phone with a friend compared to the way you answer the phone with when your mother or father are on the other line. I believe we pick up patterns in our style of communication and learn to what works and does not work well with certain individuals, such as different groups of friends.

Naturally, we are individuals who work off of systems or patterns that keep order in our everyday life. For instance, I have a friend who makes a pattern of communicating with me when she is driving home from work. Almost every time she calls she says, “just driving home from work, so I have time to talk with you. What are you up to?” And it seems every time we both get of the phone it always ends with one of us saying, “Well girlie, give me a call when you have time. Talk later.” I have never noticed what a pattern of communication I have with one of my longest friends, until reading about pragmatic perspective.

I believe communication is a game because we are always waiting to see who will make the next move. For example, should I call her or should I wait for her to call me when she has time to talk? Relationships build off of people making a move in communication both verbally and non-verbally. A great example of this could is be the bar scene. However, the only difference I can think of that communication is not a game would be that some times players do not follow the “rules/norms.” When players make bold moves or questioning moves it makes the other question the player’s actions. Our life is more then just a game, because our life is reality.

Have an excellent Week!


Monday, September 8, 2008

CH 2: Interesting Concept from Chapter 2

Chapter 2) 1. Pick one concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

I found it very interesting when reading how we use models to gain a better understanding when it comes to the communication field. Even the simplest model can help an individual gain a better understanding of both verbal and non-verbal areas, such as cultures, how the a message is received/sent, groups, patterns and etc. A model can help the viewer or researcher answer more questions by organizing ones ideas, make more detailed questions of the communication subject and make conclusions of the topic (Trenholm 23). I believe the use of models can truly help support certain ideas of communication and encourage the viewer and researcher to truly understand all aspects of the question, method and conclusion.

I am a visual learner, so when reading how multiple well know models can help explain communication questions I realized building models is not just for science class or math class. I realized when reviewing the sample models in each area of communication showed me that we rely on models more then we think we do. For example, the Pragmatic Model which focuses on patterns displayed to me that many of our society lives off of patterns in our communication styles.

Hope your Monday went WELL!


Saturday, September 6, 2008

CH 1: Speaker I Admire

1. Think of a speaker you admire. Does his or her power to persuade come from ethos, pathos, or logos? Think about your own ability to persuade others. What personal qualities do you have that make you persuasive? Does Aristotle’s classification scheme work for them, or do they fit into another category?

There are many well spoken women I admire from the past to the present that helped shape our world to what it is today. For example, there have been many great “first ladies” of the US who have gone above and upon their role as women to make a change in the world we live into today. To choose one speaker I admire would be a women who was a first lady in 1974 who spoke on what she believed and the values and morals her and her family lived by. Betty Ford was filled with self-confidence, which allowed her to speak so well towards both men and women of all walks of life. She also would sometimes try to use humor to relate to individuals or gain their attention. Once she had their attention she would discuses her views on issues, such as controversial topics and Equal Rights Amendment she believe in. She did all this while raising a family, fighting breast cancer, speaking openly on topics she believed in and supporting her husband as the president of the United States.

I believe what made Betty Ford such an outstanding speaker was her ability to use ethos, pathos, and logos not just focusing on one of the power of persuasion, Aristotle points out. She had amazing presences in front of groups, used of emotions to gain true understanding of the importance of the topic and the choice of words she would carefully use to gain support towards issues to change the future.

I believe it took a great woman, such as Betty Ford to make such an impact on our world through the messages she spoke of in both the public and private life.
When I speak in front of a large or small group I try to make sure that I gain attention at the beginning with important facts or with personal examples to help others relate. I am not an emotion individual, so pathos is something I would love to work on to become a better speaker. However, for now I rely on my ability to gain attention from the crowd and my choice of words or example I use during my speech to get the message out clearly to the listener.

Have a Great Day!!!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

CH 1:

2. The Greeks believed that to be an orator, an individual had to be morally good. Comment on whether you agree or disagree. What, if any, is the connection between goodness, truth, and public communication?

Even in today’s world people question if you have to be morally good to be a great speaker. Well, I would say no. Yes, it would be nice if every speaker were truly morally good in his or her messages and methods. However, many of us listen to speakers that are great at banning the truth, making the bad sound good, giving solutions that are not necessarily possible and not to mention are expressing values that they do not practice themselves. I can not help but think of the many speakers who expressed the importance of slavery, not giving women rights and other important issues of our history, which at the time sounded morally good to many of the listeners, but today those same speakers would be kicked of the stage.

I believe the Ancient Greeks teaching methods about making the truth, credibility and proof such important factors helped make great speakers and communicators during their time period (p. 6). These methods from Ancient Greeks really allowed the average citizen of their society to understand more factors about their society by believing in a speaker. Back then many listeners would only know the truth of the speaker through words or actions, so being truthful and honest was a true importance. However, in today’s U.S. society more individuals are educated, have access to internet, books and viewing speeches from radio or television. With all these means to understanding and becoming familiar with the speaker we as individuals can deicide if they are truthful, thinking about the good of the public and truly have goodness behind their words.

My argument and debate professor at SJSU mentioned, that it is never worth winning an argument or debate if there is no truth behind your sources or words. I agree with my professors comment and believe that a speaker must use truth behind all their words if they wish for viewers/listeners to not question their morals and values on a daily bases.

Hi- Sorry this blog is a little long, but this is a difficult topic to express :)

Hope your week is going GREAT!


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ch 1: Interesting concept from reading

Ch 1:

1. Pick a concept from the assigned reading that you found useful or interesting and discuss it.

We study and use communication on a daily bases, but never really understands how far back the study of communication really began. The study and principles of communication came to life in ancient Greece over twenty-five hundred years ago. (Trenholm 2)
During this time period Aristotle introduced the important art of rhetoric. I found it interesting how the use of rhetoric is still as important as it was when Aristotle was teaching the methods to his students and the world. I believe ethos, pathos and logos is still used to help communicate effectively to the audience. For example, an individual must have his/her own personal character to standout from the crowd (ethos), without emotion behind your words those words are not as effective to the audience (pathos), and without correct choice of words and logic the message can be lost or misunderstood (logos) (p. 4). It seems very interesting that even through many years have gone by the use of these three terms are used more then ever in today’s society.

Have a Great Week!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Just wanted to welcome everyone to my page and say HI!

Hope you have an awesome semester

Talk soon,
